Monday, June 29, 2009

Caritas in Veritate

Today, June 29, 2009, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, patrons of Rome, Pope Benedict signed his third encyclical, "Charity in Truth." After praying the Angelus, His Holiness announced,

My third encyclical, which is entitled Caritas in Veritate, will be published soon. Taking up the social themese contained in Populorum Progressio, written by the Servant of God Paul VI in 1967, this document - which carries today's date, June 29, solemnity of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul - aims to analyze in depth some aspects of development that are integral to our time, in the light of love in truth.

I entrust to your prayers this additional contribution that the Church offers mankind in its commitment to sustainable progress in full respect of human dignity aand the real demands of everyone.

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